Dr. J’s Book Review of A Mind of Your Own by Dr. Kelly Brogan MD
I still remember the first patient that told me that their depression was improving since they started chiropractic care. Her name was Gloria and she had been on antidepressants since her last postpartum depression diagnosis 20 years early.
As a new grad, I didn’t really have an appreciation of how magnificent the human body, brain, and spinal cord were. I had the “science” in my head but had a hard time understanding how profound Gloria’s healing was.
By the end of 2 years of care she was completely medication free, back to work, and hopeful about her future for the first time in a very long time.
Since then, there have literally been dozens of Glorias and that translates into families getting their moms back, spouses getting their partner back, and women escaping the fog that accompanies mind altering drugs.
A Mind of Your Own
Dr. Kelly Brogan received her medical degree from Cornell, is a board certified psychiatrist, and studied neuroscience at MIT. She was a true believer in the drug based strategy of treating mental illness with a pill until she realized there was no scientific foundation to that approach.
In her recently released book, A Mind of Your Own (Harper Wave, 2016) she writes a scathing review of the failure of the modern day medical appoach in women’s health, particularly depression, and offers scientifically validated and clinically proven strategies to help women beat depression and rid themselves of the medications that pose a risk to their long term mental health.
What Dr. Brogan focuses on
Dr. Brogan explains the lack of research with the current serotonin imbalance theory that modern medicine uses to prescribe SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) and outlines how lifestyle choices and modern society stressors are contributing to depression.
Her logic is solid, her science is well presented, and, other than at times a heavy read, A Mind of Your Own is a very good book.
Word of caution
If you are looking for validation to stay on your medications and ignore your lifestyle, this book is not for you.
Dr. Brogan outlines how stress and inflammation are the one-two punch that leads many women to their doctors, who promptly prescribe medication without really digging deeper into what might be causing the depression and anxiety.
The bottom line, according to Dr. Brogan, is that the average doctor in North America is not up to speed on the necessary tests or the mental health science to conduct an accurate examination of their patients in this area of health.
Neurology and your brain is impacted by your body health
It was like reading a synopsis of our 100+Living Nutrition Plan in avoiding grains (gluten), dealing with inflammation, and elevating your nerve system.
The only thing that Dr. Brogan is missing is understanding where corrective chiropractic care fits into the equation to help women on their journey to restoring their mental health.
I recommend this book with a full endorsement but watch for future blog posts where I fill in the gaps Dr. Brogan left by not including today’s chiropractic in effectively managing depression.
And that is completely understandable, as she is not a chiropractor with additional training in the corrective strategies of spinal and neurological care.
Grab your highlighter
You will be left with an incredible understanding of what you and your loved ones can do to restore your health and, as Dr. Brogan states, reclaim your life if you are suffering with depression.
This is a book that you will want to mark up, take notes, and highlight. Then as soon as you are done, you will likely flip back to the action plan Dr. Brogan provides and read that again.
A final warning
As I close my review I do want to encourage you to not get overwhelmed with the information in this book; especially, if you are new to the world of holistic health.
If you are new to some of the concepts Dr. Brogan introduces, I would encourage you to take advantage of our 100+Living Webinar series we have in the “Webinar” section here at lighthousechiro.ca. Watching that series over the course of a couple weeks will start to build your understanding of a proper plan of attack.
Dr. Brogan focuses on nutritional strategies but as you will learn that is a 3rd level strategy. Nutrition is important but Neurology and Fitness are the first and second levels that support nutritional change.
Priority Pyramid

If you approach your health in an unfocused manner, you will spend a lot of money and not see the kinds of results that you deserve. If you are going to spend the time, money and energy in restoring your health, we want to make sure that each additional step is effective and leading you towards sustainable heath and longevity.
There is an order to regaining your health. Dr. Brogan covers the nutritional strategies for better brain health quite well and for that reason I believe that this book is worth the money and time to read. It can be a real resource book for your library.
Just click on the image below and you will be re-directed to amazon.ca in case you want to order it today.
Your personal nerve system assessment
And remember, if you want to reach out and talk about anything you read in our blog posts leave a comment below and we will try our best to answer your question. I know many of the recommendations we give are against the grain but we would be happy to supply you with the scientific evidence to support our recommendations.
If you want to take it one step further, we also want to leave the door open for you to see either Dr. Ken or myself in our Kelowna office, Lighthouse Chiropractic.
You can reach us at info@lighthousechiro.ca drken@lighthousechiro.ca doctorj@lighthousechiro.ca or give us a call at 250-870-9136 and we will find a time to sit down and discuss your health concerns or how you can deal more naturally and effectively with issues like depression and anxiety.